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計畫目標 Program Goals

1. 培育參加全球性與區域性之原住民族國際會議青年人才,強化臺灣原住民族青年參與國際事務。

Cultivate teenagers who would like to participate in global and regional Indigenous Peoples International Conferences, and encourage Taiwan’s indigenous teenagers to participate in international affairs.

2. 促進臺灣與南島民族論壇各會員間文化暨政策議題之交流,建立對話與溝通平台,並延續彼此交流情誼。

Promote the exchange of cultural policy between Taiwan and members of Austronesian Forum, establish a discussion and communication platform, and expand and maintain friendship with each other.

3. 長期培育國際事務人才,擔任本會相關活動志工,強化其行動力與公共參與力。

Promote long-term cultivation of talents in international affairs to serve as volunteers of the association's related activities, and strengthening it’s public participation.

4. 促進國人瞭解南島區域文化、歷史與社會現況,加強我國與南島區域之連結。

Promote the understanding of the culture, history and social status of the Austronesian region, and strengthen the connection between Taiwan and the nations in Austronesian region.

5. 傳播大洋洲區域原住民族文化、社會、政治、經濟等議題相關知識,做為臺灣與大洋洲區域整合之基礎,傳承並延續南島文化。

Promote knowledge and understanding about issues related to indigenous peoples ’culture, society, politics, and economy in the Oceania region, as a basis for the integration of Taiwan and Oceania regions, and inherit and continue Austronesian culture.


權利與義務 Rights and Obligations

​權利 Rights

1. 原住民族委員會負擔本次活動費用。

The Council Of Indigenous Peoples shall bear the cost of this event.

2. 全程參加者發放結訓證書乙張。

Participants that attend all the courses will be awarded a certificate of completion training.

3. 培育計畫結訓證書可做為後續辦理相關海外實(研)習參訪團遴選證明。

The certificate of this event can be used as the selection certificate for the subsequent overseas practical (research) study delegation. 

​義務 Obligations

1. 須全程出席。

Must be present at all times.

2. 須同意本會將個人資料建置於本會國際事務人才資料庫,並依個人資料法法規範圍內做後續使用及處理。

It is necessary to agree that the personal information will be stored in the International Affairs of Talents database of the association, and be used and processed within the scope of personal information laws and regulations. 

3. 配合本會各項業務活動,擔任志工、參與本會辦理相關研討會(活動)或協助相關翻譯工作。

Cooperate with the business activities of the association, and participate in the relevant seminars (events) of the association as volunteers or assist the relevant reception as translators.


主辦機關 Organizer


承辦單位 Co-Organizer


​聯絡資訊 Contacts

​聯絡人 Contact Person:魏瓊玉 Dongi


Fu Jen Catholic University/ Indigenous Students Resources Center


(No.510, Zhongzheng Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan (R.O.C.))

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